Systematic desensitisation

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  • Systematic desensitisation
    • If a person can learn to relax in the presence of the phobic stimulus they will be cured
    • A new response to the phobic stimulus is learned - phobic stimulus is paired with relaxation instead of anxiety
    • This is called counterconditioning
  • The anxiety hierarchy
    • First step of SD
    • Put together by client and therapist
    • List of situations related to the phobic stimulus that provoke anxiety arranged from least to most frightening
    • E.g. for arachnophobia, putting a picture of a small spider at the bottom and holding a tarantula at the top
  • Relaxation
    • Second step of SD
    • Therapist teaches client to relax as deeply as possible
    • Relaxation replaces fear - reciprocal inhibition
    • Breathing exercises, mental imagery techniques
    • Can be achieved alternatively through drugs such as Valium
  • Exposure
    • Third step of SD
    • Client is exposed to phobic stimulus while in relaxed state
    • Takes place across several sessions, starting at the bottom of the anxiety hierarchy
    • Moving up the hierarchy, treatment is successful when the client can stay relaxed in situations high up on the anxiety hierarchy