Cards (2)

  • Evidence of effectiveness
    One strength of systematic desensitisation is the evidence base for its effectiveness:
    • Gilroy et al followed up 42 people who had SD for arachnophobia in three 45-minute sessions
    • At both 3 and 33 months, the SD group were less fearful than a control group treated by relaxation without exposure
    • Wechsler et al concluded that SD is effective for specific phobia, social phobia and agoraphobia
    • Therefore, SD is likely to be helpful for people with phobias
  • People with learning disabilities
    One strength of SD is that it can be used to help people with learning disabilities:
    • The main alternatives to SD are not suitable to those with learning disabilities as they often struggle with cognitive therapies that require complex thought
    • They may also feel distressed by flooding
    • Therefore, SD is the most appropriate treatment for people with learning difficulties