Behavioural approach

    Cards (21)

    • What is generalisation?
      The conditioned response can occur in the presence of stimuli which are similar but not identical to the conditioned stimulus
    • What is discrimination?
      With more conditioning you can respond only to a particular stimulus with a particular tone but never in the presence of a second
    • What is classical conditioning?
      A learning process that occurs when two stimuli are repeatedly paired and involves reflexes
    • What is operant conditioning?
      A learning that takes place because of the consequences of behaviour. This type of learning was investigated by Thorndike
    • What is positive reinforcement?
      A reward or pleasant consequence that increases the likelihood that a behaviour or action will be repeated
    • What is negative reinforcement?
      When an unpleasant experience is removed after a behaviour or action has been made. This increases the likelihood of that behaviour being repeated
    • What is punishment?
      A stimulus that weakens behaviour because it is unpleasant and we try and avoid it
    • What is reinforcement schedule?
      A method of using reinforcement to vary the response rate
    • What is extinction?
      If the conditioned stimulus is no longer paired with the unconditioned stimulus the condition fades and eventually disappears
    • What is spontaneous recovery?
      After extinction you would display the conditioned response again after a brief period of rest
    • What is variable ratio reinforcement schedule?
      When a reward is delivered at unpredictable intervals. This type of reinforcement schedule produces a fast response rate and is very resistant to extinction
    • What is the primary subject of the behavioral approach discussed in the study material?
      The skinner box experiment
    • What type of animal is usually used in the skinner box experiment?
    • What happens when a rat activates a lever in the skinner box?
      The rat is rewarded with a food pellet
    • Why does the rat continue to perform the behavior of activating the lever?
      Because it is rewarded with food
    • What was the purpose of the skinner box experiment?
      To show the effect of classical conditioning
    • What did Skinner demonstrate about rats and pigeons in his experiments?
      They could be conditioned to perform the same behavior to avoid unpleasant stimuli
    • What is an example of a negative reinforcement in the skinner box experiment?
      Pressing the lever to avoid an electric shock
    • What does pressing the lever for food illustrate in terms of operant conditioning?
      It shows positive reinforcement
    • How does the skinner box experiment relate to the concepts of reinforcement?
      It demonstrates both positive and negative reinforcement
    • What are the key components of the skinner box experiment?
      • Use of rats as subjects
      • Activation of a lever for food reward
      • Positive reinforcement through food pellets
      • Negative reinforcement by avoiding electric shocks
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