League of Nations was set up in 1919 and was designed to stop war, however World War 2 broke out only 20 years after the League was made
The League was the idea of American president Woodrow Wilson
The Leagues Aims:
Prevent any future wars from happening
Improve working conditions
To encourage co-operation
Weaknesses of the League
No army - no powerful means to enforce decisions
USA didnt join the League (didnt join to stay out of worlds problems)
Structure of the League was confusing: Council - of the most important countires, Secretariat - organaised the League, Assembly - where countries met just once a year
League took long time to make decisions as they had to be made unanimously
Why did the League of Nations fail?
Without army, strong countries did what they wanted where as weaker ones did what they were told
USA not joining
Memories of World War 1 meant that Britain and France did not want to get involved
Great Depression meant that Britain and France could not afford any threats