
Subdecks (3)

Cards (38)

  • who first called himself a psychologist
  • what did Wundt believe

    believed that all aspects of nature including the human mind could be studied scientifically
  • when was the lab opened
    in 1879
  • what did Wundt study in the lab
    he studies those aspects of behaviour that could only be strictly controlled under experimentally controlled
  • introspection
    the examination of ones own thought processes, feelings and emotions. its used as a form of self examination to record their thoughts to break down their responces and reactions
  • what was wundts aim
    to structure the mind and he believed the only way to do this was to use experimental methods to break down the structure of the mind
  • AO3- strengths of introspection
    high internal validty because the high levels of control in scientific research allows researchers to manipulate the independant variable to see the affect of dependant variable
  • AO3 strength of introspection
    influenced further approaches leading to psychology becoming its own disipline
  • AO3- limitationwith introspection
    issues with reliability as when it has been repeated using the same control variables no similar findings have been found
  • AO3 limitation of introspection
    much of psychology is unobservable proven by Nisbett and Wilson suggesting we have very little awareness of internal processing factors that are influential to us
  • social learning theory
    views behaviour as being learnt from observation of role models
  • identification
    to identify a model who would have a similar outcome to themselves
  • imitation
    to copy the role model
  • modelling
    observe the role models behaviour
  • what are the 4 mediational processes
    attention, retention, motor reproduction and motivation
  • vicarious reinforcement
    model observed receiving a reward for their behaviour so is more likely to be copied for a similar reward