biology (cell organelles)

Subdecks (3)

Cards (82)

  • what is the outer membrane of the nucleus called?

    nuclear membrane
  • where is chromatin found?

    chromatin are strings of DNA and protein found in the nucleus
  • what is Rough Endoplasmic reticulum (RER)

    flattened sacs called cisternae- that synthesizes proteins and packages them for transportation.
  • what does the Rough ER have attached to it?
  • what is the Golgi Apparatus?
    modifies proteins and lipids and packages them into vesicles
  • what are lysosomes?
    lysosomes break down worn out cell parts and contain digestive enzymes
  • what is the digestive enzyme that are in lysosomes?
  • what is the mitochondria?
    mitochondria is the site of aerobic respiration and is also where ATP is produced.
    and also provide energy
  • where is ATP produced?
    in the mitochondria
  • structure of the mitochondria?
    • double membrane + has many folds
    • contains matrix fluid
    • has its own DNA
  • what is the role of ribosomes?
    to make proteins
  • what does the Smooth endoplasmic reticulum do (smooth ER)
    synthesize lipids
  • cell walls are only found in....
    plant cells.
  • what is the outer layer that protects the cell?
    cell surface membrane
  • structure of chloroplasts:
    -has outer membrane, inner membrane and thylakoid membrane
    • has stoma (fluid inside)
    • contains green pigment called chlorophyll
    • contains DNA
  • what are centrioles?
    2 hollow tubes at right angles to each other that are made of mircotubles
  • what process are centrioles involved in?
    cell division
  • what type of cells are amyloplasts found in ?
    plant cells
  • what is the role of an amyloplast?
    produce and store starches
  • what is the plasmodesmata
    the plasmodesmata, allows the movement of substances between cells
  • what type of cell is the plasmodesmata found in?
    plant cells