language - if the language is too technical or too difficult for the audience to understand then the message may be misinterpreted - need to choose language appropriate to the audience
wrong medium - the medium chosen must be appropriate to the message being given
not listening - if the intended recipient is not listening when a verbal message is being communicated the information will not be received correctly
timing - communication takes place with a purpose in mind. If the message is sent too late the recipient may not be able to act on the information. plan the process - enough time must be given to red/listen, understand and respond to the message
no feedback - the sender may be looking for feedback in order to take further action
relationships between people - a lack of trust between the parties acts as a barrier to effective communication. build long term ethical relationships to ensure a trusting relationship exists
information overload - too much information given/main points may be lost. reduce the volume of information so that issues can be dealt with effectively