energy stores & transfer

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  • Energy:
    The ability to do work, it follows the principle of CONSERVATION OF ENERGY.
    • Measured in Joules (J)
  • Energy can be stored in different ways:
  • THERMAL / internal ENERGY:
    The heat energy trapped within an object.
    • Related to the temperature of that object.
    • The HOTTER an object, the MORE energy in its thermal energy stores.

    Held in chemical bonds, releases energy due to a CHEMICAL REACTION.
    • Found in food, batteries & fuels.

    Energy of the movement or motion of an object.

    The energy stored due to an object's position in a GRAVITATIONAL FIELD.

    The energy held in an already-stretched spring.
    • Stored when objects are STRETCHED or SQUASHED.

    Energy from breaking atoms apart, released during nuclear reactions.

    Due to the attraction or repulsion between MAGNETS.

    Due to the attraction or repulsion between CHARGED PARTICLES.
  • Energy Transfers:

    Energy can move between these stores through different pathways
  • The different energy transfer pathways:
    • Mechanical work
    • Heating
    • electric work
    • Radiation like: light or sound wave

    When FORCE is applied, like:
    • pushing a box
    • Physically stretching an elastic band

    Transfer of energy from a HOT object to a COLD object, like a kettle heating water.

    When current flows in a circuit and transfers energy like:
    • an electric fan
    • plugging something into a socket

    When energy is transferred in the form of a WAVE like:
    • Light or sound waves
    • The Sun warming the Earth.
  • A Person Throwing a Ball Upwards:
    • The energy in the CHEMICAL energy store of the person from their food is transferred MECHANICALLY.
    • Because a force is applied to the ball to the KINETIC energy store of the ball.
    • As the ball rises, it slows down because the energy in its kinetic energy store is being transferred MECHANICALLY to its gravitational potential energy store.
    • Because the object is getting higher.
  • A Kettle Boiling Water:
    Initially, the heating element in the kettle is HOT & the water is COLD.
    • Energy is transferred from the THERMAL energy store of the heating element.
    • By HEATING to the thermal energy store of the water, causing it to get hotter.
  • A Car Accelerating with a Constant Force:
    • The energy in the CHEMICAL energy store of the car from the petrol in it reacts in the engine.
    • It transfers energy MECHANICALLY to the KINETIC energy store of the car.
  • A Car Braking:

    Friction between the brakes & wheels causes WORK to be done.
    • Causing energy in the KINETIC energy store to be transferred mechanically to the thermal energy store of the surroundings, like the road & the air.
  • A Car Crashing:

    If a car was to crash into a wall, most of the energy from its kinetic energy store is transferred mechanically to the thermal energy store of the wall.
    • As there's a force acting on it from the car.
  • Whenever energy is transferred to an object, the energy is stored in one of that object’s energy stores.
  • When a system changes, energy is transferred either between objects or between different forms.
  • When you burn fuel, energy is transferred from the fuel's chemical energy store to the thermal energy store of the surroundings.
  • When you throw a ball up in the air, it moves through a gravitational field.
    • It slows down as it rises, because energy from it's kinetic energy store is being transferred to its gravitational potential energy store.
  • Energy is transferred to a light bulb electrically.
    • Energy transferred away from a light bulb by heating & light.
  • As an object falls, energy is transferred from its gravitational potential energy store, to its kinetic energy store.
  • When a kettle filled with water is turned on:
    • electrical energy from the plug socket, flows to the heating element of the kettle.
    • It's transferred electrically to the thermal energy store of the kettle’s heating element.
    • Meaning the flow of electricity warms the metal heating element.
    • The heating element then, transfers the energy over to the water’s thermal energy store.
  • Another way of saying energy transferred is work done.
    Types of work done:
    • mechanical
    • electrical
  • Mechanical work done:

    Involves using a force to move an object.
  • Example of mechanical work done:
    Kicking a ball up in the air, involves energy from the chemical energy store of your leg, being transferred to the kinetic energy store of the ball.
  • Electrical work done:

    When current flows, the energy required to overcome the resistance in the wires of a circuit.
  • A train that’s about to stop:
    • It applies the brakes, creating friction between the brakes & the wheels.
    • The friction does work as it slows the train down.
    • Because it causes energy in the wheel’s kinetic energy stores to be transferred to the thermal energy stores of the surroundings in the form of heat.
    • which will hopefully slow down the train.
  • Examples of close systems:
    • A thermos flask that keeps your drink hot or cold – it's closed because it doesn't allow heat to escape or enter.
    • The energy stored in a battery is stored in its chemical energy store.
  • In a burning candle, chemical energy store is converted into thermal & light energy store.
  • The total energy of the racing track and the car is constant.
  • Child:
    • Gravitational potential energy decreases
    • Kinetic energy increases and then decreases to zero
    • Elastic potential energy increases
    • Internal store of energy increases
    • The chemical store of energy of the wood decreases.
    • The internal store of energy of the pipe and water increases.
    • As height changes, gravitational potential energy changes.
    • gravitational potential energy decreases, when moving to the lower bar.
    • As speed changes, kinetic energy changes
    • kinetic energy increases when moving to the lower bar
    • transfer from gravitational potential energy to kinetic energy as height decreases.
    • the sum of the kinetic energy & gravitational potential energy is constant.
  • As the aeroplane moves upwards through the air, there's a decrease in the kinetic energy of the aeroplane.