
Subdecks (10)

Cards (325)

  • Elastic Potential Energy (EPE):
    The energy stored in elastic materials as the result of being stretched or compressed.
  • Elastic Potential energy (J) = 0.5 x Spring constant (N/m) x (Extension)^2 (m)
  • Extension = 0.072m
  • 44000 N/m
    • Use a tape measure
    • take repeat readings and calculate a mean
  • Extension:
    Increase in length from original length.
  • Extension = length after stretching - original length
  • When a spring or rubber band is stretched, the work done is stored as elastic potential energy.
  • Spring constant (N/m) = Elastic Potential energy (J) / 0.5 x (Extension)^2 (m)
    • Extension = Elastic Potential energy (J) / 0.5 x Spring constant (N/m), then square root the ans.