Insulation practical

Cards (10)

  • Equipment required:
    • Beaker
    • Water
    • Thermometer
    • Material for insulation
    • Cardboard lid 
    • Stopwatch 
    • Kettle 
    • Goggles 
    • Water 
    • Different insulating materials 
    • Measuring cylinder
  • Independent variable:
    • Number of layers of insulating material
    • type of insulation 
    Dependent variable:
    • Temperature change of water
    Control variables:
    • Amount of water in each beaker
    • starting temperature of the water in each beaker
    • area of beaker
    • timer interval
  • Insulating a hot object reduces the rate of heat loss to the surroundings.
    • In the practical, insulate a container using an insulating material & record the temperature over time.
    • Then vary the number of insulation layers to determine the relationship between insulation thickness & energy transfer.
  • The purpose of the cardboard lid in this experiment is to insulate the beaker and to hold the thermometer.
    • It's important to repeat the experiment to ensure accuracy & consistency of results. 
    • It's important that the starting temperature is the same each time the experiment is repeated.
    • As the rate of cooling depends on temperature.
  • Method for insulation practical:
    1. Wrap different types of insulating materials around 250ml beakers.
    2. Use a kettle to boil water
    3. Add 1000m^3 of hot water in beaker.
    4. Cover with lid & add thermometer.
    5. Let temp. reach its maximum point, then note the initial temp.
    6. Record the temp, after every 5 mins for 25 mins, by using a stopwatch.
  • Label the image:
    A) thermometer
    B) lid
    C) small beaker
    D) large beaker
    E) water
    F) insulation
  • Material 1 is the best insulator, as temp. change is minimum.
    • low thermal conductivity
  • The experiment trying to measure the rate of heat loss.
  • The beaker or can with the most insulation will have the slowest rate of heat loss.