cultural effect model

Cards (36)

  • Model suggests overtime media will gradually influence audience this is known as the

    drip drip effect
  • Hall says media messages are encoded by who

    by the people that make them
  • Message has an encoded meaning thats encoded intentionally which they expect what

    expect and want media audience to believe in
  • Cultural effect theory suggests media will spread what 

    the dominant ideaology
  • Cultutral effects theory suggests media spreada di in society and argues people will respond how

    People will respond differently depending on their social characteristics
  • Said majority of audience may accept content of media but some may do what

    reject it due to their characteristics
  • philo and GMG who disagree with idea audience can make their own interpretation of what

    media texts
  • Philo and GMG agree and accepts audience are what 

  • Philo and GMG agree and accepts audience are active and

    in some cases can be critical of media accounts
  • Gmgs research over years has found what 

    media has great deal of power and influences in forming way audience views world
  • Gmg research also found out most people accept dominant media acc unless what

    they have access to alternative forms of info
  • Gmg focuses on agenda setting and how some subjects are what

    removed for public discussion
  • Philo states it can be difficult to criticise dominant meia acount if what 

    we dont have access to alternative sources of info
  • We shouldnt underestimate power of media or overestimate capacity of audience to make what

    alt readings
  • over time agenda setting and continual drip drip effect of media ecourages ppl to do what

    to accept prefered reading as the only reasonable one
  • limitation of cultural effect model is that reception analysis and selective filtering exag who

    active role of media audience
  • Philo points out that while audience can be active and critical theres loads of evi to suggest

    media is very powerful in shaping social attitudes and beliefs of aud and limits ability to resist messages
  • Preferred reading
    Audience interprets media texts containing dominant ideaology
  • negotiated reading
    Audience accepts preferred dominant reading but its too an certain extent so it fits their life exp and belieifs
  • Oppositional reading
    Audience fully rejects preferred reading
  • Klappwe suggests people have experiences of their own make choices and what else

    interpret or decode filter what they read heard in the media
  • klapper suggests theres 3 what 

  • klapper suggest theres 3 filters that people do what

    apply in their apporaches anf interpretatiuon of media
  • prefered reading just soc def
    audience responds to media they way it was produced
  • Selective filtering is an 

    interpretivist approach
  • Cultural effects theory introduced idea of what 

    Social Context
  • Social context is deemed to be important whilst looking at what

    effects of media
  • Audience interpret media in context of what 

    context of culture they belong to
  • Effect of media is complex as 

    its not the same for everyone
  • Culture refers to what

    small subcultural group that individual belongs to
  • Stan Cohen described media reports of expected trouble can create what

    moral panic
  • media effects can build up over time to do what

    to either create/reinforce cultural norms
  • Images of women in media create what images

  • Images of women in media creates stereotypical images and places what on girls and women

  • Audience is seen as what

  • Women may react how to gender stereotyping
    resisting it