Explanations for forgetting

    Cards (14)

    • What are the two forms of interference in memory?
      Proactive interference and retroactive interference.
    • What is proactive interference?

      Old information affects the recall of new information.
    • What is retroactive interference?

      New information affects the recall of old information.
    • What does the Encoding Specificity Principle state?

      Information present at encoding should also be available at retrieval for good recall.
    • What is context-dependent forgetting?

      Forgetting occurs when external retrieval cues differ from those present at encoding.
    • What is state-dependent forgetting?

      Forgetting occurs when internal retrieval cues differ from those present at encoding.
    • What are the key studies related to interference in memory?

      • List A & B (similar and dissimilar)
      • Rugby Players (interference or retrieval delay)
    • What are the types of retrieval failure?

      • Context-dependent retrieval failure
      • State-dependent retrieval failure
    • What is proactive interference?

      Old information affects new information, causing forgetting.
    • What is retroactive interference?

      New information affects old information, causing forgetting.
    • What does the acronym PORN stand for in the context of interference theory?

      • Proactive interference: old information disrupts new.
      • Retroactive interference: new information disrupts old.
      • Applied examples illustrate these concepts.
    • How does interference theory explain forgetting in long-term memory?

      It suggests that information can be disrupted by other information during coding.
    • In the context of retroactive interference, what happens when you learn a new telephone number?

      You may forget your old telephone number when trying to recall it.
    • What is the difference between retroactive and proactive interference in terms of memory recall?

      Retroactive interference involves new information disrupting old, while proactive interference involves old information disrupting new.
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