Cards (8)

    • Basic Assumptions
      • Thoughts, beliefs and attitudes (internal processes of the mind) affect our behaviour and decisions
      • We encode and store information
    • Strengths
      • Help us think and learn new information quickly
      • Saves time - mental shortcuts
    • Limitations
      • Contributes to stereotypes
      • Makes difficult to retain new information if it doesn't conform to our ideas of the world
      • Can distort our interpretations of sensory information which leads us to make mistakes
    • Inference
      Conclusions reached on the basis of evidence and reasoning
    • Schema
      A pattern of thought or behaviour that helps organise and interpret information and the relationships among them
    • Theoretical model
      Suggests that the mind processes information in a systematic way
    • Computer model
      Suggests mind works like a computer, turning information into a format in which it can be stored
    • Bartlett's War of the Ghosts theory, 1932
      • Aim = to investigate effect of cultural schemas on reconstructive memory
      • Task = serial reproduction - PP reads WotG book and writes down his recollection which is showed to next PP, and so on
      • PPs = 20 males Cambridge undergrads
      • Results = key details missed out and changed to fit cultural schema e.g. paddling to rowing, canoes to boats
      • Conclusion = cultural schemas contribute to reconstructive memory and memory is an active process where pre-existing expectations interfere with its accuracy and reliability
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