Demographic&economic characteristics

Cards (7)

  • What are demographic characteristics about?

    Who lives in a place and what they are like
  • what do demographic factors include?

    education level
    birth rates
  • How can demographic factors directly contribute to the character of places?

    EG many retire to seaside locations- higher proportion of elderly- characterisede as 'old' plaaces (old people feel like outsiders, young feel like insiders)
  • What are economic characteristics?

    factors to do with work & money eg employment rates, income
  • what do processes such as gentrification do?

    change the built environment, demographics and economics of places over time
  • describe gentrification?

    Where wealthy people move into run-down areas and improve the housing
  • How can economic factors directly contribute to character of places?
    eg places such as KENSINGTON have a high proportion of above average earners and LOW UNEMPLOYMENT and as such are characterised as wealthy