
    Cards (28)

    • One type of conformity is internalisation, explain What it is ?
      Private and public acceptance of group norms
    • Identification is a type of conformity, explain what it is ?
      Change behaviour to be of a group we identify with, may change privately too
    • Compliance is a type of conformity, explain what it is ?
      Go along with the group publicly but no private change
    • Explain what ISI is ?
      Conform to be right. Assume group knows better than Us
    • what does ISI stand for ?
      Informational social influence
    • Explain what NSI is ?
      Conform to be liked or accepted by the group
    • what does NSI stand for ?
      Normative social influence
    • What research supports NSI ?
      when no normative group pressure (wrong answers), conformity decreases to 12.5% (Asch)
    • What research supports ISI ?
      1: participants relied on other peoples answers to hard maths problems (Lucas et al.)
      2: however you cannot usually separate ISI and NSI, a dissenter may reduce power of NSI or ISI
    • What are the individual experiences in NSI ?
      nAffiliators want to be liked more, so conform more (McGhee and Tegan)
    • What is the term used to describe the influence that occurs when individuals look to others for guidance in ambiguous situations?
      Informational social influence (ISI)
    • Who suggested the three ways in which people conform to the opinion of a majority?
      Herbert Kelman
    • What is internalisation in the context of conformity?

      It occurs when a person genuinely accepts group norms, leading to a permanent change in opinions/behaviour.
    • How does internalisation differ from compliance?

      Internalisation leads to a permanent change, while compliance results in only a superficial change.
    • What is identification in conformity?

      It is when a person conforms to a group's opinions/behaviour because they value the group and want to be part of it.
    • What is compliance in the context of conformity?

      Compliance involves going along with others in public while privately not changing personal opinions or behaviour.
    • What are the two main reasons people conform according to Morton Deutsch and Harold Gerard?

      The need to be right (ISI) and the need to be liked (NSI).
    • What does informational social influence (ISI) refer to?

      It refers to conforming because one believes the group has better information.
    • In what situations is ISI most likely to occur?

      In new situations, ambiguous situations, or crisis situations.
    • What does normative social influence (NSI) focus on?

      It focuses on what is considered 'normal' or typical behaviour for a social group.
    • How does NSI lead to a change in behaviour?

      It leads to a temporary change in opinions/behaviour due to the desire for social approval.
    • Why might NSI be more pronounced in stressful situations?

      People have a greater need for social support in stressful situations.
    • What evidence supports NSI as an explanation of conformity?

      Asch's study showed participants conformed due to fear of disapproval, with conformity dropping when answers were given privately.
    • What did Lucas et al. (2006) find regarding ISI?

      Participants conformed more to incorrect answers when the maths problems were difficult, indicating reliance on the group for correct information.
    • What is a counterpoint to the explanations of NSI and ISI?

      It is often unclear whether NSI or ISI is at work in research studies or real-life situations.
    • What are individual differences in NSI?

      Some individuals, called nAffiliators, have a stronger need for affiliation and are more likely to conform.
    • Who found that nAffiliators are more likely to conform?

      Paul McGhee and Richard Teevan
    • What does the research by McGhee and Teevan (1967) suggest about conformity?

      It suggests that individual differences exist in conformity that cannot be fully explained by general theories of situational pressures.
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