Variety of Forms

Cards (25)

  • Places can be represented using what?

    A variety of different forms
  • Describe quantitative forms of representing places ?

    They can be quantified numerically and statistical analyses can be performed on them
    • eg representations based on data eg tables of stats
  • Define objective?

    Based on facts
  • Describe subjective?

    Based on feelings or opinions
  • Describe qualitative forms of representing places?

    They cannot be quantified numerically and may be more descriptive or creative
    • eg representations such as art and poetry
  • Different forms can create what?

    Contrasting representations of places. When investigating places it is important to look at a variety of different sources to build up a complete picture of what a place is like
  • Example of statistics ?
    census data
  • What can statistics give you?

    Lots of quantitative information about what places like eg population, population structure
  • Describe statistics themselves?

    Objective BUT they can be used subjectively eg people can select which data they use to show what they want to show
  • What do statistics not usually tell you?

    Anything about sense of place
  • What can maps be used to show?
    Any sort of data that has a location
    • can also show quantitative demographic and economic data eg levels of income by location
  • What can some maps also show?
    qualitative information such as maps of indexes that show levels of happiness
    • these may be more helpful than quantitative maps for information about sense of place
  • What can maps show - pro and con?

    Can show you reliable data
    • but can also be misleading eg historical maps may be inaccurate
  • examples of visual representations of places?
    films photography art
  • What can visual representations show?

    What places LOOK LIKE and can give some sense of the character of places
  • limitations of visual representations?

    They only represent what the artist WANTS to show you , and can therefore be misleading
  • What do photographs ONLY show?

    What a place looks like in a GIVEN MOMENT - photographs taken at different times of day can make a place look & feel different
    • photos can also be altered so places look different to the reality
  • What do films and television do?
    EVOKE a sense of place that is dependent on the nature of the story being told eg crime different to romantic drama

    Less reliable than films and photography at showing what a place looks like as they are the artist's interpretation.
    • BUT can be more effective at conveying sense of place and character
  • Examples of written representations?
  • What can written representations be used to do?

    Describe place
    • and can evoke a sense of how it feels to be in that place
  • What do written representations usually only offer?
    The perspective of the author , so they do not show a COMPLETE PICTURE
  • What can newspaper articles give?

    Lots of detail about places BUT they may be BIASED
  • How can newspaper articles be biased?

    They may focus on the topics and ideas that are likely to sell more copies rather than give a balanced perspective on a place
  • What can stories, music and poetry give?>?
    An emotional impression of places, BUT only from the writer's perspective