Meanings & Representations

Subdecks (3)

Cards (51)

  • People perceive and present places differently
  • Who do places have meaning to?
    The people that know the - this is their sense of those places i.e. how they feel about them
  • Different people , or groups of people , can attach different meanings to the same places
  • How people feel about a place is often dependent on what?
    Their experience of that place eg feeling like insiders or outsiders
  • What is the representation of place?

    How individuals or organisations portray places they know about to others
  • How might place be portrayed by individuals who are proud to come from a place?

    In a positive way
  • How might place be portrayed by individuals who are proud to come from a place?

    in a positive way, whilst individuals who have had a bad experience of a play may present it NEGATIVELY TO OTHERS
  • How many organisations such as tourism companies and local councils present places?

    Positively because they stand to gain from how the places are perceived
  • How may newspapers choose to focus on place?
    Focus on negative aspects of a place in CIRCUMSTANCES where it may help them to SELL MORE COPIES
  • Why are meanings and representations important?

    They can change how people behave towards those places e.g. positive feelings about a place may make a person decide to invest a business there, go on holiday there
  • another reason why meanings and representations of places are important?

    Many people generate their identity based on the places they feel connected to