Group influence

Subdecks (1)

Cards (15)

  • What can influence our perception of place?
  • What do some groups try to do?
    Influence people's sense of place, or even create NEW MEANINGS for particular places, so that they can changed people's behaviour towards those places
  • which groups try to influence people's sense of place or even create new meanings for particular places?
    governments, corporate bodies, community/local groups
  • why do some groups try to influence people's sense or place or ceeate new meanings for particular places?

    so that they can change people's behaviour toward those places
  • Why may national and local governments influence people's sense of place or create new meanings for particular places?

    to attract people or investment to particular places
  • Why may corporate bodies influence people's sense of place or create new meanings for particular places?

    to generate profit or because they have been set up for a specific purpose
  • Why may community or local groups influence people's sense of place or create new meanings for particular places??

    Might try change perception of their place to IMPROVE THE LOCAL ECONOMY or the LIVES OF LOCAL PEOPLE