Alter perceptions

Cards (8)

  • What are the 3 main strategies used to alter perceptions of place?
    place marketing
  • What is place marketing?

    How places are 'sold' like products to customers - the people who will potentially visit, move to the area or invest money there
  • Place marketing - why may MARKETING COMPANIES be employed?

    To produce websites, design logos, run advertising campaigns and social media pages- all of which are designed to promote a particular place
  • What is reimaging about?

    Changing existing negative perceptions of places
  • What is rebranding about?

    Giving a place a new identity that is appealing to people and investors
  • How is rebranding achieved?

    Through reimaging , place marketing and regeneration schemes.
  • What do many places do as part of rebranding?

    Create logos and slogans that are designed to be instantly recognisable and create positive association with the place they are representing
  • Example of slogan?

    Glasgow's rebranding included the slogan 'People make Glasgow' to highlight what makes Glasgow a great place- the people that live and work there