Social roles (conformity)

    Cards (20)

    • Who conducted the Stanford prison experiment in the 1970s?
      Philip Zimbardo
    • What was the main question Zimbardo aimed to investigate in his research?

      Whether brutal behavior of prison guards was due to sadistic personalities or social roles
    • What was the setup of the Stanford prison experiment (SPE)?

      • Mock prison created in Stanford University basement
      • 21 male student volunteers selected for emotional stability
      • Random assignment to roles of prison guard or prisoner
    • How were the prisoners identified in the Stanford prison experiment?

      By number, as their names were never used
    • What type of uniforms did the prisoners and guards wear in the SPE?

      Prisoners wore loose smocks and caps; guards wore uniforms with clubs and shades
    • What psychological effect did the uniforms have on participants in the SPE?

      They created a loss of personal identity, leading to de-individuation
    • How were the prisoners encouraged to identify with their roles?

      Through procedures like applying for parole instead of leaving early
    • What tactics did the guards use to maintain control over the prisoners?

      They used divide-and-rule tactics and constant harassment
    • What happened when the prisoners rebelled in the SPE?

      They ripped their uniforms and shouted at the guards
    • What was the psychological state of the prisoners after their rebellion was suppressed?

      They became subdued, depressed, and anxious
    • How long did Zimbardo originally intend for the SPE to last?

      14 days
    • What conclusion did Zimbardo draw about social roles from the SPE?

      Social roles strongly influence individuals' behavior
    • What were the strengths and weaknesses of the SPE regarding control and realism?
      • Control over key variables
      • Selection of emotionally stable participants

      • Lack of realism compared to actual prisons
      • Participants may have been play-acting rather than genuinely conforming
    • What did Banuazizi and Movahedi argue about the realism of the SPE?

      They argued that participants were merely play-acting
    • What did one of the guards claim influenced his behavior during the SPE?
      A brutal character from the film Cool Hand Luke
    • How did the prisoners perceive their situation during the SPE?

      They believed they could not leave until their sentences were over
    • What did Mark McDermott argue regarding the participants' behavior in the SPE?

      Participants behaved as if the prison was real to them
    • What was the impact of the guards' power over the prisoners in the SPE?
      The guards became increasingly brutal and aggressive
    • How many days did the SPE actually last?
      6 days
    • What was the effect of the guards' behavior on the prisoners?
      Prisoners became submissive and compliant
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