Light energy is absorbed by the photosystems and converted into chemicalenergy
Photolysis splits water into H+ ions, electrons and oxygen
LDR produces ATP via photophosphorylation
Protons and electrons reduces NADP to ReducedNADP (NADPH)
LDR occurs in the thylakoidmembrane
Light is absorbed by chlorophyllpigments in a photosystem, ‘exciting‘ the electrons of the chlorophyllmolecule, causing some to leave the moleculecompletely, becoming ionised.
2electrons are taken up by an electron carrier.
Photosystem complexes
Cluster of proteins and chlorophyllmolecules that absorblightenergy
LDR products
ReducedNADP, ATP and Oxygen
LDR is a chemicalprocess where energy is conserved in chemical bonds.
Chemiosmotic Theory
Electrons are passed along a series of electroncarriers (in redoxreactions) within the thylakoidmembrane, forming a transferchain.
Eachcarrier is at a slightlylowerenergylevel, so electrons loseenergy at eachstage.
Energylost is used to makeATP
Adaptation of chloroplasts for LDR
Thylakoidmembrane provides a large surface area for attachment of chlorophyll,electroncarriers and enzymes.
Adaptation of chloroplasts for LDR (Protein network)
Network of proteins in grana hold the chlorophyll in a veryprecisemanner, allowing maximumabsorption of light.
Adaptations of chloroplasts for LDR (Grana)
Granalmembranes have ATPsynthase
Catalysesproduction of ATP and are selectivelypermeable
Allows protongradient to be established
Adaptations of chloroplasts for LDR (protein manufacture)
Contains bothDNA and ribosomes for the rapidmanufacture of the proteinsinvolved in the LDR
Water absorbslightenergy, breaking its bonds to form protons,electrons and oxygen.
Creation of a proton gradient
Protons from photolysisaccumulate in the thylakoidspace (lumen)
A proton pump in the thylakoidmembranepumpsprotons into the space from the stroma.
Protons can only pass through ATPasesynthasechannelproteins - rest is impermeable