Infradianrhythms are biological rhythms with a frequency of less than one cycle in 24 hours e.g. menstruation, SAD, migration
The Menstrual cycle is an infradian rhythm governed by monthly changes in hormone levels (endogenous pacemakers) that regulate ovulation
The hormones involved in mestruation are FSH, LH< oestrogen, and progesterone
Oestrogen triggers the release of an egg
Progesterone causes thickening of the lining of the uterus
The menstrual cycle is an endogenous system however may be influenced by exogenous factors e.g. synchronisation
Stern & McClintok investigated synchronisation using 29 women with a history of irregular periods and transferring their pheremones to other participants
Stern & McClintok tranferred the pheremones by freezing pads of armpit sweat and extracting the pheremones to place under the upper lip of other participants
Stern & McClintok found that 68% of participants experinces changes to their cycles which brought them closer to that of the other woman's
Seasonal Affective Disorder is an infradian rhythm where persistent lwo mood and lack of activity/interest is caused by the shorter daylight hours in winter months
Seasonal Affective Disorder is a circannual rhythm as it is a yearly cycle
Seasonal Affective Disorder may be caused by disruption to the sleep-wake cycle due to melatonin secretion lasting longer in the darker mornings
Ultradianrhythms are biological rhythms with a frequency of more than one cycle in 24 hours
The stages of sleep are an ultradian rhythm with 90-minute cycles
The 1st and 2nd stages of sleep are light sleep, where a person can be easily woken
Stages 1 & 2 produce alpha waves
Alpha waves have a high frequency and short amplitude
The 3rd and 4th stages of sleep are deep/slow wave sleep
Stages 3 & 4 produce delta waves
Delta waves have a low frequency and high amplitude
The 5th stage of sleep is REM sleep, where the body is paralysed and most dreams occur
Stage 5 of sleep produces theta waves
Theta waves have a low frequency and high amplitude
The Basic Rest-Activity Cycle (BRAC) is an ultradian rhythm with 90-minute cycles that occurs during waking hours
BRAC is a period of alertness followed by a spell of physiological fatigue e.g. loss of concentration, hunger investigated BRAC by studying violoinists found that the best results came from violinists who practiced 3 sessions a day for no longer than 90 minutes