polar climate located at poles , lie within Arctic and Antarctic Circle
definition: area lies within the 10 degrees isotherm - on the hottest months , average temp stays below 10 degrees
constantly below freezing temperatures
very little precipitation and majority of precipitation is snow
few animals and plants can thrive due to undernourished , frozen soils and harsh climate
population numbers in polar region low due to harsh conditions , difficult to obtain food , build or develop a large scale society
4 million people live in Artic regions e.g Alaska., Norway , Russia
few indigenous residents due to development being so limited in past - few means of surviving in cold
difficult to build buildings and infrastructure due to permafrost (frozen ground)
surface will easily crack
hard to build into
can melt when temperatures fluctuate (buildings unstable)
adaptions due to permafrost:
building houses on stilts to avoid frost
building on large slabs of concrete
day-to-day life affected by living in cold environment - clothing must be suitable , occupations limited and often seasonal e.g. oil , gas , coal work , tourism , fishing)
agricultural productivity low due to poor soil and harsh climate
food mainly comes from meat and fish rather than crops - type of farming is subsistence
global warming causing areas of permafrost to decrease , meaning there will be arable land in polar climates - arable farming will be more attainable source of food