Cards (83)

  • What is the purpose of classifying microorganisms?

    To distinguish one microorganism from another using various characteristics.
  • What are the phenotypic characteristics used for classifying microorganisms?

    Morphological, cultural, biochemical, and antigenic structures.
  • What is systematics in microbiology?

    It is the science of organizing the evolutionary relationships of organisms.
  • What are the three parts of systematics?

    Classification, nomenclature (taxonomy), and identification.
  • What is the purpose of taxonomy?

    To identify unknown organisms and provide a common reference for known organisms.
  • What does classification involve?

    The ordering of organisms into groups and determining evolutionary relationships.
  • What is the aim of classification?

    To delineate groups of organisms for generalization of knowledge.
  • What are taxonomic categories called?

    Taxa (singular: taxon).
  • How is bacterial classification currently based?

    It is now phylogenetically based using molecular methods.
  • What is multilocus enzyme electrophoresis?

    A method used in bacterial classification.
  • What does restriction fragment length polymorphism refer to?

    A technique used in molecular classification of bacteria.
  • What is the primary reliance of the taxonomic hierarchy?

    It relies mostly on 16 or 23S rRNA.
  • What is phenotypic classification based on?

    Observable characteristics such as morphology, physiology, and metabolism.
  • What is genotypic classification based on?

    The genetic makeup of microorganisms.
  • What is the main advantage of genotypic classification?

    It is more accurate than phenotypic classification.
  • What does nomenclature deal with?

    Assigning correct international scientific names to organisms.
  • How are names of organisms treated in nomenclature?

    As Latin names, indicated by italics or underlining.
  • What naming system was developed in the eighteenth century?

    Scientific nomenclature.
  • What is binomial nomenclature?

    A system where every organism is assigned two names: genus and specific epithet.
  • How is the genus name written in binomial nomenclature?

    With the first letter capitalized.
  • How is the specific epithet written in binomial nomenclature?

    With no capital initial.
  • What does the International Code of Nomenclature of Bacteria include?

    Rules on how to name bacteria and use the names.
  • What is the aim of having a single name for a species?

    To ensure clarity in taxonomic position.
  • What is identification in microbiology?

    The assignment of unidentified organisms to a particular class in classification.
  • What is the basis for recognizing an organism in identification?
    Comparison between phenotypic characteristics and published data for known species.
  • What is the Five-Kingdom Classification System?

    A system that classifies organisms into Monera, Protista, Fungi, Plantae, and Animalia.
  • What does the Kingdom Monera include?

    Prokaryotic, unicellular organisms like bacteria and archaea.
  • What does the Kingdom Protista include?

    Eukaryotic, unicellular organisms like protozoa and algae.
  • What characterizes the Kingdom Fungi?
    Eukaryotic, multicellular organisms that lack chlorophyll and decompose other organisms.
  • What does the Kingdom Plantae include?
    Eukaryotic, multicellular organisms that contain chlorophyll and photosynthesize.
  • What does the Kingdom Animalia include?

    Eukaryotic, multicellular organisms that lack chlorophyll and consume other organisms.
  • What is a characteristic of Kingdom Monera?

    They are unicellular and lack true nuclei.
  • How do organisms in Kingdom Monera reproduce?

    By binary fission.
  • What is a characteristic of Kingdom Protista?

    Most are unicellular, but some are multicellular and eukaryotic.
  • How do fungi obtain their food?

    By absorbing dissolved organic matter.
  • What types of reproduction occur in Kingdom Fungi?

    Both sexual and asexual reproduction.
  • What is a characteristic of Kingdom Plantae?

    They obtain energy through photosynthesis.
  • What is a characteristic of Kingdom Animalia?

    They are multicellular and primarily reproduce sexually.
  • What are eubacteria known for?

    Causing disease in humans and animals.
  • What are cyanobacteria formerly known as?

    Blue-green algae.