Cards (6)

  • What is Speciation?:
    • Over a long period of time the phenotype of an organism changes so much because of natural selection that a completely new species is formed
  • Speciation is the development of new species
  • What is speciation?
    development of species
  • Figure 5 shows:
    • the two species of finch live on Isabela Island
    • only one of the species lives on Daphne Island
    • only one of the species lives on Crossman Island. Suggest why both species of finch are able to live on Isabela Island:
    • The island is large enough to have two species
    • therefore less competition for food
  • One of the genes codes for an enzyme used in fat metabolism.
    A mutation in this gene causes a reduction in milk fat. The mutation changes one amino acid in the enzyme molecule.
    Explain how a change in one amino acid in an enzyme molecule could stop the enzyme working:
    • A different protein is made
    • as the active site changes
    • so the substrate doesn't fit
  • Describe how the ancestors of modern lemurs may have evolved into the species shown in Figure 3.:
    • isolation of different populations
    • habitat variation between lemur populations
    • genetic variation or mutation (in each population)
    • better adapted survive (reproduce) and pass on (favourable) allele(s) to offspring
    • (eventually) cannot produce fertile offspring with other populations