Cards (18)

  • According to Miller, how many items do people generally remember?

    About 7 items
  • What does Cowan suggest is the probable limit for chunks in memory?

    4 chunks
  • What did Simon find regarding chunk size and recall?

    Larger chunks mean fewer recalled
  • How does the digit span of 19-year-olds compare to that of 8-year-olds according to Jacobs?

    19-year-olds have a longer digit span
  • What was the duration of short-term memory (STM) found by Peterson and Peterson?

    18 seconds
  • What method did Peterson and Peterson use to prevent verbal rehearsal?

    Used consonant syllables
  • What percentage of accuracy did Bahrick et al. find for face recognition after 48 years?

  • What percentage of accuracy did Bahrick et al. find for name recognition after 48 years?

  • What is a limitation of using consonant syllables in memory studies?

    They are not meaningful
  • What did Reitman use to avoid displacement in his study on STM duration?

    Auditory tones
  • What was the effect of using auditory tones in Reitman's study?

    It led to longer duration of STM
  • What did Baddeley find regarding the difficulty of remembering acoustically similar words?

    It is difficult in STM but not in LTM
  • What is the reverse finding regarding semantically similar words in Baddeley's research?

    It is easy to remember in STM but difficult in LTM
  • What alternative coding methods were suggested by Brandimote et al. and Wickens et al.?

    STM can be visual and semantic
  • What did Frost find regarding long-term memory (LTM) coding?

    LTM can be visual
  • What did Nelson and Rothbart find regarding LTM coding?

    LTM can be acoustic
  • What was a limitation of Baddeley's study regarding LTM testing?

    LTM was tested by waiting 20 minutes
  • In Jacob‘s study what was the average span of digits for items/letters?

    9.3 items/7.3 letters