Multicellular, have cell walls, have chlorophyll, feed autotrophically
Animalia features
Multicellular, no cell wall, no chlorophyll, feed heterotrophic ally
Fungi features
Multicellular, cell walls, no chlorophyll, feed saprophytically
Protoctista features
Unicellular, have a nucleus
Prokaroyatae features
Unicellular, have no nucleus
Carl Linnaeus came up with the binomial system
fungi: have a huge range of sizes from single called to some of the largest organisms on earth, cells have a cell wall made chitin, eukaryotic cells, needs moist and humid areas
Importance of fungi
Decomposes and vital in nutrient cycles, can be agents of disease, can be good food source, used in biotechnology
Plantskingdom is divided into misses, ferns and seed plants (angiosperms)
better adapted to life on land than mosses, they have roots stems complex leaves and vascular tissue, able to produce spores for wide dospersal, don’t have thick cuticles can only survive humid areas, reproduce by gametes
evolved into any species, have colonised almost every available habitat, more than 80 percent of plants are angiosperms (plants with enclosed seeds)
Two groups of angiosperms
Monocotyledons have a single cotyledon in the seed