Muscle Contraction

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  • Muscles act in what?

    antagonistic pairs
  • What is skeletal muscle aka?

    striated , striped, or voluntary muscle
  • What is skeletal muscle?

    the type of muscle you use to move
  • skeletal muscle example?

  • what are skeletal muscles attached to?

    attached to bones by TENDONS
  • What do ligaments do?

    Attach bones to other bones, to hold them together
  • What do pairs of skeletal muscles do?

    Contract and relax to move bones at a joint
    • the bones of the skeleton are incompressible (rigid) so they act as levers, giving the muscles something to pull against
  • why do muscles work in pairs?

    because they can only pull when they contract- they CANNOT PUSH
  • What are antagonistic pairs?

    Muscles that work together to move a bone
  • What is the agonist ?

    the contracting muscle in an antagonistic pari
  • what is the antagonist?

    the relaxing muscle in an antagonistic pair
  • muscles act as what?
  • 3 types of muscle?
    smooth, cardiac, skeletal
  • what stimulate muscle to contract?