Ground Reaction Forces in Walking - Double Stance:
Double stance fore-aft (Fy) vectors in opposite directions
Sum of vectors in double support
Mostly up, Fy cancels out
Fy =vertical force
Ground Reaction Forces in Walking - Double Stance:
A butterfly force diagram shown, force vectors for each foot at a certain time, with the direction (where arrow point), most is vertical
If standing still reaction force will be equal to your weight
If it more than your weight, you start accelerating up, CoM move up, no weight on ground so more force toward ground so accelerate down
Large around ground strike & lower at mid stance
Ground Reaction Forces in Walking - Stance:
Vertical force (Fz) greater than body weight after about 10% of cycle
Braking force until mid stance, propulsion after
Ground Reaction Forces in Walking - Stance:
Very beginning & end = very small as foot just started to touch/leave ground
Force decreasing in middle part of stance as
Push off foot pushing forward, landing foot slowing you down (if didn’t would have net forward force) = forward & backward forces balance out
Vertical component 0 on some strides = net vertical force
Energy During Walking:
Potential energy is high when gravitational potential is high, when something is high
Have to do work to get it to height
Potential energy highest at highest point = stationary & as low at concentric energy
Energy During Walking:
Inversely related/trade off
All/high potential energy, low kinetic energy
High kinetic, low potential energy
Energy During Walking:
Can model this as walking
Fixed point is foot that you tip over (upside down pendulum)
Trade off shown
CoM has most gravitational potential energy during mid stance, support leg straight, CoM as high as get, as tip over will speed up (kinetic increases)
Inverted Pendulum Model of Walking:
Stance limb as inverted pendulum; swing limb as double pendulum, both pinned at hip
Gravity plays important role
Fr = v^2/g l
g = gravitational acceleration
l = leg length
When Fr > 1, support limb comes off ground
Fr = Force resultant
Inverted Pendulum Model of Walking:
Stance limb inverted pendulum
Swing limb normal pendulum
Swings to become next stance limb
Gravity important for walking
Don’t need to memerise equation
Fr = Freod number, specific to this kind of model, values in this equation are forward velocity (v), gravitational acceleration (g), the magnitude, length of limb (l)
Inverted Pendulum Model of Walking:
If start moving really quickly
Bottom of inverted pendulum start to come off the ground before the next foot touches the ground
When ratio exceeds 1 gravity is too low, or stance is to low = running
g gets smaller; not gonna change very often
Leg length; little legs got to keep up more; changes depending on their size
Specific equation to this model
Not a fair comparison for speed people different sizes