ATP-PCr system

Cards (12)

  • How is ATP made by the ATP-Phosphocreatine (PCr)System?
    By phosphorylating ADP - adding a phosphate group taken from PCr
  • WHere is PCr stored?

    inside cells
  • How fast does the ATP-PCr system generate energy?

    Very quickly
  • When is ATP-PCr system used and WHY?

    During short bursts of vigorous exercise (eg tennis serve)
    • because PCr runs out after a few seconds
  • Details about ATP-PCr System?

    anaerobic and alactic (doesnt form any lactate)
  • What does anaerobic mean?

    It does not need oxygen
  • What does alactic mean?

    It does not form any lactate
  • What does some of the Cr get broken down into?

    Creatine, which is REMOVED from the body via the kidneys
  • What is Cr?

  • Who might have higher creatine levels?
    People who exercise regularly and those with a high muscle mass
  • How is creatine removed from the body?

    Via the kidneys
  • What may higher creatine levels also indicate?

    kidney damage