Talking about reaction forces (+ opposite to push)
The Anterior-Posterior Force Component:
The anterior-posterior component of the ground reaction force during walking may be split into 4 sections
Heel Strike to Posterior Peak (F4)
Posterior Peak (F4) to Crossover
(0 = where 0 force acting)
Crossover to Anterior Peak (F5)
Anterior Peak (F5) to Toe Off
Heel Strike to Posterior Peak:
What is happening?
Claw back = little bit of pos before go into neg (may or may not be present)
After initial claw back (if present), the heel is in contact with the ground & the body decelerates causing a posterior shear force
As make heel contact, CoM moving forward & downward
Because of these forces of these forces get a reaction force that is acting downwards against our CoM (why is called a braking force)
Heel Strike to Posterior Peak:
F4 magnitude should be in the order of 0.2 times the person’s BW
Heel Strike to Posterior Peak:
What does the posterior peak signify?
Acting against forward movement = braking force
Confidence in loading front foot
Reduction in loading force = not confident
Could be related to surface eg ice
Lot less forward braking component as push more up & down less forward & backward component
Braking force (neg) = reaction force of forward downward push = neg reaction force
What is Claw Back? = Pos bit at start
If have slippery surface or unconfident about surface
They land heel back/initial contact then pull foot backwards
Leaves foot down then pulls it back = reaction force backward & downward
Only seen if surface is slippery
Force plate is slippery so can often happen on them
What happens when we aren’t confident on our surface?
Pushing down, taking small steps
More up & down less forward & backward
Lower peak & more claw back
Posterior Peak (F4) to Crossover:
What is happening?
The body begins to move over the stance limb (into mid stance = 0), reducing the horizontal component of the resultant GRF
Reducing the braking component
Moving into propulsion
Forward directory becomes more vertical, less horizontal (reducing), why peak neg moves up to become more pos
Posterior Peak (F4) to Crossover:
What is happening?
At the crossover point the horizontal force is 0 (causing moving towards pos)
Therefore, the only force acting is that of the vertical GRF
Mid stance = basically weight force almost completely vertical, CoM directly over CoP, all forces now acting downward, even for just a moment = 0 at that point in time
Posterior Peak (F4) to Crossover
What is happening?
Crossover should occur around 55% of stance phase
Dependent on confidence may be longer
If move quickly less time (lower % of time)
Crossover to Anterior Peak (F5) - Propulsion Peak:
What is happening?
The heel lifts & the foot is pushed down into the ground by the action of muscles in the posterior compartment of the ankle joint
To propel body forward
Mid stance to heel raise
CoM forward ahead of stance limb
Crossover to Anterior Peak (F5) - Propulsion Peak
What is happening?
This has the effect of producing an anterior compartment of the ground reaction force, which propels the body forwards
Crossover to Anterior Peak (F5) - Propulsion Peak:
F5 magnitude should be in the order of 0.2 times the person’s body weight
Equivalent to braking peak = constant pace/velocity
Crossover to Anterior Peak (F5) - Propulsion Peak:
What does the anterior peak signify?
Tells us about strength of muscle to perform propulsion
Reduced peak = poor ability to propel body forward
Due to muscle activity or reduction in ankle movement
Backwards hz force, CoM ahead of stance limb, downward force, now have backward directed mass force in pos direction (forward)
Anterior Peak (F5) to Toe Off (heel raise to toe off):
What is happening?
This is now the period of terminal double support, where the force is now being transferred to the front foot & the anterior force, therefore, reduces
The length of time the force takes to reduce & offload can affect the loading during the next foot contact
Steeper slope = moving more quickly into next phase