A push or pull - disturbing objects from their inertial state (1st Law)
An object will remain rest until external force applied = inertia
Relative to mass
A net force accelerates an object (2nd Law)
F = m * a
Any force exerted is opposed by an equal & opposite force (3rd Law)
Every action has an equal & opposite reaction
Force is measured in Newtons (N):
1 N of force will accelerate a 1 kg object by 1 m/s every second
1 N = kg m/s^2
Force is a vector quantity
With magnitude & direction
Free body diagram is a technique of visualising & simplifying a problem by constructing a diagram showing all the forces acting
Ground Reaction Force (GFR) & Centre of Pressure (CoP):
Centre of Pressure (CoP) or
“ Location of the force average force vector of interest ”
“ Centre of pressure ” can be misleading as it's not a measure of pressure but a measure of the position & refers to the average pressure point beneath the foot or feet
Ground Reaction Force (GFR) & Centre of Pressure (CoP):
Exerting force on floor from mass → equal & opposite of mass equal if stationary
Mass exerts force onto ground; F = m * g
F = force, m = mass, g = gravity
Can measure reaction of that force with a force plate = a tool to measure action not just reaction
Ground Reaction Force (GFR) & Centre of Pressure (CoP):
If not moving force under each foot is the same & the CoM reaction force acting upwards from both/or mass centre
If want average of these forces = CoP, CoP = location of C or average or the force vector
Is standing still CoP = directly under CoM = average of 2 reaction forces – CoP
If walking/moving not necessarily under CoM, force of foot centres so in foot
Phase Division of Gait:
One gait cycle = ground contact to next ground contact of same foot
Stance phase = ground contact to toe-off
Swing phase = toe-off to ground contact
Double stance in walking replaced by flight phase in running
Ground Reaction Force Fluctuation During Gait:
GRF changes magnitude
Throughout the stance phase
Moves horizontally (forward) as stance progresses into propulsion
Also vertical
Moves with us
Change in CoP
Ground Reaction Force Fluctuation During Gait:
Gait Objectives:
Propel our bodies forward
To do so efficiency, requiring minimal energy expenditure
Adapt a gait typically to minimise energy expenditure of body
By not moving CoM too much, keep CoM range to a minimum
Ground Reaction Force Fluctuation During Gait:
Forces in motion
Downward/upward = vertical
Forward/backward = horizontal
Vt & Hz forces changing throughout stance phase
CoP slides along the foot as you walk/move (towards propulsion - CoP moves forward)
Throughout the stance phase change in magnitude & direction of force vector (CoP)
Ground Reaction Force Fluctuation During Gait:
Gait Objectives:
Propel our bodies forward
To do so efficiently, requiring minimal energy expenditure