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  • opportunities made by the regeneration project:
    • £10 billion extra income in the UK
    • £9 billion investment
  • challenges made by the regeneration project:
    • construction jobs didn't necessarily go to locals
    • 'affordable homes' were questioned is they were affordable
    • property prices + rent increased
    • 380 businesses had to be relocated
    • wildlife had to be relocated
    • Olympic games produced 3.3 million tonnes of CO2
    • surrounding areas still have high levels of poverty
    • old housing estates were demolished forcing people to relocate
  • why was regeneration needed?
    • high unemployment rates for dereliction
    • less investment in this area because of the unemployment
    • average income was £28,900 meaning their quality of life was poor and people lived in poverty
    • land and water was polluted causing health issues