Athletes' village remodelled as a housing estate called 'East Village' with more than 10,000 new homes made by 2030, half of these will be affordable to working class
'Here East Hub' for creative and media industries e.g. BT sport have 5000 high paid jobs
Built on brownfield sites and contaminated soil cleaned up
Integrated transport system with improvements including extending the Overground and Docklands Light Railway
social and economic
New school opened for ages 13-18
'Queen Elizabeth Park' has over 4000 trees and a biodiverse range of plants, also a large space for recreation
social and environmental
'Aquatics Centre' now allows the public to use its facilities
'Westfield Stratford City' is the largest urban shopping centre in the UK
social and economic
water quality of the River Lea that runs through the park has improved as well as new green space planted along the banks helping flooding
Olympics brought more than £9 billion of investment to East London