6.4 - Energy security

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  • Energy security
    • Being able to access reliable and affordable sources of energy
    • These may be domestic, but could also include energy sources from friendly countries
  • The 4 As of energy security
    • Affordability
    • Accessibility
    • Availability
    • Acceptability
  • USA and UK are insecure due to their wastefulness and lack of fuel supply
  • Alaska and Canada are insecure as their fossil fuels are protected for the sake of the environment
  • Russia is secure due to its surplus of fossil fuels
  • Sub-Saharan Africa is insecure due to its dependency on TNCs to exploit supply, despite its fossil fuels
  • The Middle East are secure due to its surplus of fossil fuels, however political instability may change this
  • China and India are insecure due to the growing demand and lack of supply of fossil fuels
  • Changing energy mix
    Since the 1800s the global energy mix has changed from solely traditional biomass to mostly coal, oil and gas
  • North SeaLink - case study

    • 720km long
    • Kvilldall to Blyth
    • Increases energy security
    • £1.33 billion