AO3: Stages of attachment

Cards (4)

  • Strength: Good external validity
    What? Good external validity
    Who? Observations made by parents during normal activities
    Why? Participants behaved naturally
  • Counterpoint: Good external validity
    What? Issues with asking mothers to be 'observers;
    Who? Not objective - biased
    Why? Behaviour not accurately recorded
  • Limitation: Poor evidence for asocial stage
    What? Validity of measures assessing asocial stage
    Who? Anxiety displayed in subtle, hard-to-observe ways; difficult to report back
    Why? Flawed methods mean babies appear asocial
  • Strength: Real-world application
    What? Practical application in day care
    Who? Asocial and indiscriminate = day care straightforward - specific = problematic
    Why? Use of day care can be planned