Stages of attachment

Cards (40)

  • What was the aim of Schaffer and Emerson's study?
    To identify stages of attachment/find a pattern in the development of an attachment between infants and parents
  • How many participants were there in Schaffer and Emerson's study?
  • How many of the babies in Schaffer and Emerson's study were boys?
  • How many of the babies in Schaffer and Emerson's study were girls?
  • What type of study was Schaffer and Emerson's?
  • How long did Schaffer and Emerson's study last?
    18 months
  • Where were the participants in Schaffer and Emerson's study from?
  • What two behaviours did Schaffer and Emerson ask questions about in their study?
    Separation anxiety
    Stranger anxiety
  • What did Schaffer and Emerson find in their study?
    Babies of caregivers who had 'sensitive responsiveness' were more likely to have formed an attachment
  • What did Schaffer and Emerson find was more important than the amount of time spent with the baby in forming an attachmement?
    Sensitive responsiveness
  • Which babies in Schaffer and Emerson's study had more intense attachments?
    Those who had parents who responded to their needs quickly
  • Which babies in Schaffer and Emerson's study had very weak attachments?
    Those who had parents that did not interact with their child at all
  • When did Schaffer and Emerson find attachments seemed to form?
    When the carer communicates and plays with the child
  • What are Schaffer and Emerson's four stages of attachment?
    Asocial, indiscriminate attachment, specific attachment, multiple attachments
  • What is the first stage of attachment?
  • When is the asocial stage?
    0-8 weeks
  • When is the indiscriminate attachment stage?
    2-7 months
  • When is the specific attachment stage?
    7 months onwards
  • How does the infant respond to objects and people in the asocial stage?
  • Why did Schaffer and Emerson believe that the asocial stage isn't entirely asocial?
    Babies show signs they prefer to be with other people
  • What type of people do babies tend to show a preference for in the asocial stage?
    Familiar people
  • What are babies in the asocial stage easily comforted by?
    Familiar people
  • What is the baby forming in the asocial stage?
    Bonds with certain people
  • What do babies display in the indiscriminate attachment stage?
    More obvious and observable social behaviour
  • What do babies show a clear preference for in the indiscriminate attachment stage?
  • What don't babies show in the indiscriminate attachment stage?
    Seperation/stranger anxiety
  • Who do babies usually accept cuddles and comfort from in the indiscriminate attachment stage?
    Any adult
  • What do babies in the indiscriminate attachment stage recognise and prefer?
    The company of a familiar person
  • What do babies show in the specific attachment stage?
    Separation/stranger anxiety
  • Who is the specific attachment in the specific attachment stage?
    Primary caregiver
  • By what age did most infants in Schaffer and Emerson's study form multiple attachments?
  • What do babies in the multiple attachment stage show?
    Attachment to more than one adult
  • What are multiple attachments known as in the multiple attachment stage?
    Secondary attachments
  • How soon do secondary attachments form in the multiple attachment stage?
  • What percentage of babies had secondary attachments within one month of forming a specific attachment?
  • What did Schaffer and Emerson base their stage theory on?
    An observational study
  • Strength: Schaffer and Emerson's research
    What? Good external validity
    Who? Most observations made by parents - undistracting (babies less anxious)
    Why? Natural behaviour
  • Strength: Schaffer and Emerson's research
    What? Real-world application - day care
    Who? Day care = straightforward in indiscriminate attachment stage
    Day care = problematic in specific attachment stage
    Why? Use of day care can be planned
  • Limitation: Schaffer and Emerson's research
    What? Poor evidence for the asocial stage
    Who? Babies displayed anxiety subtly (hard-to-observe)
    Why? Babies falsely appear asocial
  • Counterpoint (Good external validity): Schaffer and Emerson's research
    What? Problems w/ asking mothers to be observers
    Who? Biased in terms of what they noticed
    Why? Behaviour not accurately recorded