AO3: Two-process model

Cards (3)

  • Strength: Real-world application
    What? Real-world application in exposure therapies
    Who? Explains why people benefit from exposure to phobic stimuli - when avoidance behaviour prevented, phobia cured
    Why? Value
  • Limitation: Cognitive aspects of phobias
    What? Doesn't account for cognitive aspects of phobias
    Who? Two-process model explains avoidance behaviour but doesn't offer adequate explanation for phobic cognitions
    Why? Not complete explanation of phobias
  • Strength: Phobias and traumatic experiences
    What? Evidence for link between phobias and traumatic experiences
    Who? Little Albert - frightening experience involving stimulus can lead to phobia + Jongh et al. - 73% of people with fear of dental treatment experienced traumatic experience
    Why? Confirms association between stimulus and response leads to phobia