Behavioural approach to explaining phobias

Cards (30)

  • Behaviourist approach: A way of explaining behaviour in terms of what is observable and in terms of learning
  • Two-process model: An explanation for the onset and persistence of disorders that create anxiety
  • Classical conditioning: Learning by association
  • Operant conditioning: A form of learning where behaviour is shaped and maintained by its consequences
  • Who proposed the two-process model?
  • What did Mowrer propose?
    The two-process model
  • What does the two-process model state?
    Phobias are acquired by classical conditioning and continue because of operant conditioning
  • Classical conditioning involves learning to associate something which we have no fear of with something that already triggers a fear response
  • Who performed the 'Little Albert' study?
    Watson and Rayner
  • Little Albert showed no unusual anxiety at the start of the study
  • How did Watson and Rayner give Little Albert a phobia of white rats?
    Every time the rat was presented to him, a loud and frightening noise was made next to his ear - therefore Albert associated the white rat with the fear of the loud noise
  • What was the unconditioned stimulus in the Little Albert study?
    Loud noise
  • Label the correct stimuli and responses
    A) NS
    B) UCS
    C) UCS + NS
    D) CS
    E) UCR
    F) UCR
    G) CR
  • What was the loud noise in the Little Albert study?
    An unconditioned stimulus (UCS)
  • What was the fear initially in the Little Albert study?
    An unconditioned response (UCR)
  • What did the fear become in the Little Albert study?
    A conditioned response (CR)
  • What was the conditioned response in the Little Albert study?
  • What was the unconditioned response in the Little Albert study?
  • What was the white rat initially in the Little Albert study?
    A neutral stimulus (NS)
  • What was the neutral stimulus in the Little Albert study?
    White rat
  • What was the conditioned stimulus in the Little Albert study?
    White rat
  • What did the white rat become in the Little Albert study?
    Conditioned stimulus
  • Responses acquired by classical conditioning usually tend to decline over time
  • Why did Mowrer suggest phobias are often long-lasting?
    Because of operant conditioning
  • Operant conditioning takes place when our behaviour is reinforced - reinforcement tends to increase the frequency of behaviour
  • In negative reinforcement, an individual avoids a situation that is unpleasant, leading to a desirable consequence
  • Mowrer suggested that when we avoid a phobic stimulus, we escape the fear and anxiety of it - which this reduction in fear reinforces the avoidance behaviour and the phobia is maintained
  • Strength: Two-process model
    What? Real-world application - exposure therapies
    Who? Explains why people w/ phobias benefit from being exposed to the phobic stimulus - when avoidance is prevented, phobia = cured
    Why? Value
  • Strength: Two-process model
    What? Evidence for link between bad experiences and phobias
    Who? Little Albert & Jongh - 73% of people w/ fear of dental treatment had experienced a traumatic experience
    Why? Confirms link between stimulus and UCR leads to phobia
  • Limitation: Two-process model
    What? Doesn't account for cognitive aspects of phobias
    Who? Explains avoidance behaviour but not an adequate explanation for phobic cognitions
    Why? Doesn't completely explain symptoms of phobias