Ci e ne

Cards (8)

  • Ci, A

    The adverb ci (there) often refers to locations and it is used to replace the name of a place that has been mentioned immediately before. It is usually placed before the verb.
  • Ci, B

    Ci can also substitute the prepositions a / in with verbs like pensare a (to think about) and credere a / in (to believe in).
  • Ne, A

    The Italian pronoun ne (of it / of them) is often used to replace an expression of quantity that has been specified immediately before. Ne usually precedes the verb.
  • Ne, B
    The pronoun ne can also be used to replace the object of verbs followed by the preposition di (about), like parlare di (to talk about), dire di (to say about), pensare di (to think about), and sapere di (to know about).
  • Ne, C
    When ne precedes a passato prossimo (or any compound tense), the past participle agrees in gender and number with the noun replaced by ne.
  • Ne, D

    Ne is often used in idiomatic expressions indicating the day of the month and a person’s age.
  • Posizione di ci e ne (Placement of ci and ne)

    The pronouns ci and ne are usually placed before the verb. However, one exception is with modal verbs (dovere, potere, volere). They can be placed before the verb or attached to the infinitive, which drops the final -e.
  • Ci + ne = Ci ne

    It is possible to use ci and ne together with the same verb, in which case ci changes to ce and always precedes ne.