Protein synthesis (my version)

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  • The Central Dogma is the one-way flow of information. The Central Dogma of molecular biology is DNA->RNA->Proteins
  • The two main process by which proteins are made are transcription and translation.
  • The language of mRNA is genetic code.
  • Genetic code is made up of the letters A,U,G, and C. A combination of three letters known as a codon.
  • Genetic code is read 3 bases (1 codon) at a time.
  • There can 64 possible codons in a genetic code.
  • What is the start codon?

  • What is the 'start' amino acid?

    Methionine (MET)
  • What are the 3 stop codons?

    UGA, UAA, and UAG
  • mRNA is made from DNA