Social influence

Cards (22)

  • What are the three types of conformity according to Asch (1958)?

    1. Compliance: Temporary behavior change to fit in
    2. Identification: Change in behavior and private values only in the group
    3. Internalization: Permanent change of personal opinions to match the group
  • What drives normative social influence (NSI)?

    Desire to be liked and avoid rejection
  • What is the main motivation behind informational social influence (ISI)?

    Desire to be correct
  • What was the overall conformity rate in Asch's critical trials?

  • How many participants conformed at least once in Asch's study?

  • What effect did increasing the number of Confederates have on conformity rates in Asch's study?

    Conformity increased with more Confederates
  • What happened to the conformity rate when one Confederate gave the correct response?

    The conformity rate dropped to 5.5%
  • How did task difficulty affect conformity in Asch's study?

    Increased ambiguity led to increased conformity
  • What is a limitation of Asch's study regarding the influence of NSI and ISI?

    It can be difficult to separate their influences
  • What did Parin and Spencer (1981) suggest about Asch's findings?

    They lack temporal validity due to cultural conditions
  • What did Bond (1996) find in his meta-analysis of Asch's line judgment task?

    Higher rates of conformity in collectivist cultures
  • What is a criticism of the task used in Asch's study?

    It lacks mundane realism
  • What were the main findings of Zimbardo's Stanford Prison Experiment?

    • Participants adapted quickly to assigned roles
    • Prisoners showed signs of stress
    • Experiment was canceled early due to mental health concerns
  • What roles were assigned in Zimbardo's experiment?

    Guards and prisoners
  • What was the purpose of the guards' uniforms in Zimbardo's study?

    To establish authority and control
  • What did Zimbardo's dual role as investigator and superintendent lead to?

    Potential experimenter bias
  • What did Milgram argue about obedience to authority figures?

    Most people will show destructive obedience in the right situation
  • What is the agentic state according to Milgram?

    A state of mind where individuals feel they are not responsible for their actions
  • What was the maximum voltage used in Milgram's study?

    450 volts
  • How did proximity affect obedience in Milgram's study?

    Obedience dropped when instructions were given via phone
  • What was the effect of changing the location of Milgram's study?

    Obedience dropped to 47.6%
  • what are the stages of social change
    1)drawing attention
    3)deeper processing
    4)augmentation principle
    5)snowball effect
    6)social cryptomnesia