ice age when th is permanent snow over the poles (currently in Pleistocene/Holocene ice age; started 2.5Ma at start of Quaternary) + 5th known ice age in history
earth transitioned in Holocene 11,000 years ago during 'Flandrian Transgression'; currently within Flandrian Interglacial (significant retreat of ice sheets rapidly occured leading to mass extinctions)
Pleistocene Glaciers:
currently 10% (14.9million km2) covered by glaciers; during Quaternary, glaciers covered up to 30% of earth's surface - sea leevel rose 120m in 18,000 years of glacial retreat
Glacier - a tongue of ice that moves slowly downhill along a valley (and replenished at its source).
Alpine Glacier - melt/retreat in summer + melting ice helps glacier move and erode/transport/deposit material + soruces of many great rivers.
Polar Glacier - located in regions where temperatures don't rise above freezing, so little melting/glacier movement much slower.
Ice Sheet - a very large body of ice that can survive long periods of warming; unaffected in interglacials and expand towards equator in glacials.
nunataks; high peaks of mountains sticking out through ice sheets + ice sheets not constrained by underlying topography (can flow over mountains, but slowly)
Glacial Budget/System:
Inputs - snow, weathered material (rock/boulders) + avalanches.
Outputs - meltwater, moraines (weathered, worked material) + icebergs + some snow from evaporation.
Basal Slippage (glacier movement):
if glacier moves, this raises temperature of base ice through pressure/friction; the basal ice then melts (pressure melting point is -2oC) allowing ice to slip more easily over its base
potential to move 2-3m/day and pick up material which could erode its bed + related to regelation (melting under pressure and freezing again when pressure is reduced)
Erosional Processes:
Plucking - where moving ice freezes to the broken-up rock surface and plucks up loose material (becomes part of glacier contributing to abrasion).
Abrasion - steady supply of abrasive material by downward transport of rock debris to basal layer of glacier; rocks grind away/erode surface (glacier ice must be thick to be heavy enough to erode surface).
Supraglacial debris - carried on glacier surface as lateral/medial moraines + material that has fallen onto glaciers from surrounding valley sides; in summer, small load carried by meltwater streams falls down crevasses.
Englacial debris - material carried within the glacier; may have been on surface but buried by snow/fallen down crevasses.
Subglacial debris - moved along floor of valley by ice or meltwater streams formed by pressure melting.
produces loose material that may fall from valley side onto glacier edges to form lateral moraines, be covered by snowfall, or fall down crevasses/transported by englacial debris
some material may be added to rock loosened by frost action to form basal debris as climate deteriorated
Abrasion - sandpappering effect of angular material embedded in the glacier as it rubs against the valley sides and floor; produces smooth, gently sloping landforms.
Plucking - glacier freezes onto rock outcrops then ice movement pulls away masses of loosened material, creating jagged featured landscape - material loosened by:
pressure melting point produces sufficient meltwater for frost shattering to break up the ice-contact rock
water flowing down bergschrund (large crevasse found near glacier head)/crevasses will freeze onto rock surface
removal of bedrock layers by glacier causes release in pressure/enlarging of joints in underlying rocks (pressure release)
compressing flow; reduction in gradient of valley floor, ice deccelerates and becomes thicker (associated with abrasion)
extending flow; valley gradient steepens, ice accelerates and becomes thinner (associated with plucking)
Glacier Movement:
Creep - pressure increase if obstacle in path of glacier; as stress builds up, ice behaves plastic and flows around/over the obstacle + lower the temperature, the greater pressure needed for this process to occur (less likely in cold glaciers).
Surges - results of excessive build up of subglacial meltwater reservoirs/occur when rock avalanches fall onto glacier surface (or by earthquake); glacier moves forward (up to 300m/day) + sudden release of meltwater causes severve flooding.