Cards (11)

  • Role of Glacial Meltwater:
    • fluvioglacial landforms created by glacier meltwater, eg. subglacial streams flow beneath a glacier forming tunnels
    • warm-based glaciers produce lots of meltwater + surface meltwater filters through the glacier
    Importance of Meltwater; transports morainic debris in subglacial rivers, erodes channels/forms distinctive landforms, lubricates glacier base, helps enlarge nivations hollows, enables plucking through regelation and forms rivers on/beneath the glacier.
  • Meltwater Streams (Erosional)
    • cause erosion at faster rate than rivers of the same size; confinement of ice means they flow quickly under pressure (can carry lots of material increasing erosive power; glacial streams have higher carrying capacity when confined)
    • streams form deep troughs in landscape called meltwater channels (wide/deep) + glacier meltwater has milky appearance from suspended fine sediment (increases erosive power) + ablation and runoff increases volume of meltwater
  • Pro-glacial Lakes (Erosional)
    • lake developed immediately in front of glacier, commonly bordered by mounds of unconsolidated deposits that characterise terminal zone of a glacier (terminal moraine acts as barrier) - landscape/weight of ice (depresses landscape) forms lake
    • sudden release of pro-glacial lake carves out channels/valleys; eg. Yorkshire Moors created as Lake Wheeldale emptied in ice retreat
  • Glacifluvial Depositional Landforms:
    • moulded by glacial meltwater (most meltwater from ablation); discharge of glacial streams (supraglacial/subglacial) high during summer/warmer months
    • water flowing under pressure has high velocity/very turbulent;able to transport large amounts of material (material can erode vertically to create subglacial valleys/large potholes
    • deposition occurs when there is a decrease in discharge
  • Outwash Plains/Sandur (Depositional)
    • composed of gravels, sands and clays (uppermost/furthest from snout) + deposited by meltwater streams issuing from the ice either during summer/when glacier melts
    • material may originally been deposited by glacier/later picked up, sorted and dropped by running water beyond maximum extent of the ice sheets
    • outwash material also deposited on top of till after ice retreat
  • Varves (Depositional) - Glacilacustrine Sediments
    • a distinct layer of silt lying on top of a sand layer, deposited annually in lakes found near glacial margins
    • coarser/lighter-coloured sand deposited during late spring when meltwater streams have peak discharge (carry maximum load)
    • discharge decreases in autumn when temperatures drop, finer/darker-coloured silt settles
    • each band of dark/light material represents a years's accumulation + variations in thickness indicate warmer/colder periods (greater melting casues increased deposition)
  • Kames (Depositional)
    • undulating mounds of sand/gravel deposited unevenly by meltwater along the front of a stationary/slowly melting ice sheet
    • as ice retreats, unsupported kame often collaspes
  • Kame Terraces (Depositional)
    • flat areas found along the sides of valleys; deposited by meltwater streams flowing in the trough between glacier/valley wall
    • troughs occur here as in summer, the valley side heats up faster than the glacier ice (so ice in contact with it melts)
    • kame terraces are sorted deposits so different to lateral moraines
  • Eskers (Depositional)
    • very long, narrow, and sinous ridges composed of sorted coarse sands/gravels (may be fossilised courses of subglacial meltwater streams) + formed during deglaciation
    • as channel is restricted by ice walls, the hydrostatic pressure and transported load are considerable; as the bed of the channel builds up (no floodplain) material is left above the surrounding land following ice retreat
  • Kettles (Depositional)
    • form from detached blocks of ice (left by glacier as it retreats) and then partially buried by glacifluvial deposits left by meltwater streams
    • when ice blocks melt, they leave enclosed depressions which often fill with water to form kettle-hole lakes and 'kame and kettle' topography
  • Braided Streams (Depositional)
    • channels of meltwater rivers often become choked with coarse material as a result of the marked seasonal variations in discharge