sperm and egg cells

Cards (12)

  • .....
    A) acrosome
    B) nucleus
    C) centrioles
    D) mitochondria
    E) flaggellum
    F) head
  • sperm cell nucleus has 23 chromosomes (haploid nucleus)
  • sperm head - acrosome
  • acrosome- enzymes to digest a path through the outer membrane (zona pellucida) of egg
  • The male sex cell or spermatozoon consists of three main parts; the head, mid-piece and tail.
  • the mid-section contains large numbers of mitochondria for aerobic respiration
  • ...
    A) corona radiata
    B) cytoplasm
    C) zona pellucida
    D) nucleus
  • the corona radiata is a protective layer that provides proteins to fertilized egg
  • the nucleus contains genetic material (chromosomes)
  • the zona pellucida is an impermeable barrier which prevents entry by other sperms
  • egg nucleus is haploid (23 chromosomes)
  • zona pellucida- outer membrane of egg cell