Circulatory Unit Exam (2)

Subdecks (1)

Cards (101)

  • Blood Flow Through the body
    Heart > Aorta > Arteries > arterioles > capillaries > Cells of the body (metabolic exchange) > capillaries > Venules > Veins > back to heart
  • Process of blood clotting
    -Platelet ruptures against the jagged edges of a cut
    -release a chemical called thromboplastin
    -this helical mixes with other Substances in plasma
    -RBC stick to it = clot
  • Where is the highest blood pressure found?
    The arteries
  • Blood Types
    -A protein called Anitgen on the surface of your Red Blood Cells determine your blood type
    -It is genetically from your parents
  • Order of the third line of defence
    Macrophage's > Helper T cells > B Cells > Killer T Cells > Suppresser T Cells > Memory T Cells
  • What do Macrophages do 

    -They are the first responders
    -They eat the pathogen + display its antigen on their surface
  • What do Helper T Cells do 

    -Spot the foreign antigen + signal for the other T + B cells to arrive
  • What do B Cells do 

    -Produce a chemical weapon called antibodies + mark anything that has the forsign antigen
    -Immobolize them ad tagged for destruction
  • What could cause an increased heart rate
  • What are the different Lymphocyte types 

    B cells and T cells - Helper T, Killer T, Supperer T, Memory T
  • Cardiac
    Within the heart
  • Pulmonary
    Between the heart and the lungs
  • Systematic
    Between the heart and the body
  • Right side of the heart
    Mover deoxygenated blood to the lungs
  • Left side of the Heart
    Moves Oxygenated blood to the body
  • Ventricles away / veins back one way valves
  • Platelets rupture against jagged edges of a cut (releases thromboplastin)
  • Mixes with calcium, Vitamin K, Fibrinogen to make Fibrin
  • Red blood cells stick to Fibrin and make a blood clot
  • Greatest mass of whole blood
    Plasma, 55%
    Mostly water, has proteins, enzymes hormones and blood cells nutrients
  • Where is the highest Blood Pressure found
    In the arteries, more specifically the aorta
    Blood pressure is the highest when the heart pumps blood into aorta - known as Systole
  • Introduction of foreign proteins
    Immune Response
    1st line of defence - skin, mucus, cilia, HCL
    2nd line of defence - WBC release histamines = lots of blood to infection
    3rd line - Macrophages, B Cells, T Cells (Helper, suppressor, memory, killer)
  • Heart rate, where stimulus is originated 

    SA node - bundle of nerves that initiate heart beat
  • Blood Flow within the heart 

    Right side > lungs
    Left Side > body
    Upper atria > lower ventricles = aorta squeezes blood into ventricle
    atria contracts then ventricle contracts
    systole blood squeezed out (contracted)
    Dyastole chambers refill (relax)
  • How is Low BP measured 

    measured using a sphygometer in mmHg
    Systolic = 120 heart contract
    Diastolic = 80 heart relaxes
    Arteries have high BP
    Veins have low BP
  • Hypertension
    above 120/80 prolonged
  • Hypotension
    under 120/80 prolonged
  • Systolic
    120 heart contracts
  • diastolic
    80 heart relaxes
  • WBC (leukocytes) - have nucleus + defend against foreign invaders
  • Inflammation - all blood cells to area (WBC secrete histamines) produces antibodies
  • Phagocytosis - WBC ingest foreign particles
  • Lymphocytes - help body against invaders
  • Lymph nodes - WBC clean it of any pathogens
  • Spleen - produces WBC
  • Why do we bleed when we take a needle out
    Needle punctures skin + blood vessel
    stops quickly due to body’s clotting ability
    1.Reduce blood flow to area
    2.Platelets plug it
  • Why must a physician or pharmacist wash their hands before giving an injection as it relates to circulation
    prevent introduction of pathogens/ bacteria
    When needle punctures it makes a pathway
    washing of hands reduces risk
  • Arteries
    -Take blood away from the heart - thick walls for high BP constrict / relax
    -collagen keeps it elastic, we lose collagen as we age
    -Arteriosclerosis - Build up of plaque, narrows diameter = high blood pressure = clot = heart attack/ stroke
  • Why are identical twins good donors and recipients for heart transplant 

    Recipient usually attacks new organ
    Same DNA = immune system reacts better = better acceptance of the organ
  • DeOxygenated blood through the superior/ inferior vena cava