Theological and practical concern

Cards (4)

  • what was Brunner's concern for apologetics and dialogue?
    Brunner saw natural theology as necessary for engaging with philosophy, science and other religions. He believed it provided a common ground for dialogue between Christians and non-Christians. Natural theology help build a bridge to faith by showing that belief in God is reasonable and grounded in the observable world
  • what did he fear that Barth's rejection of natural theology leads to?
    he thought Barth's complete rejection of natural theology might alienate the church from broader intellectual and scientific communities
  • what was Barth's concern for divine revelation and sovereignty?
    he feared natural theology compromised the sovereignty of God's self-revelation. relying on natural theology elevated human reason and weakened the radical dependence of humanity on God's grace
  • what did Barth also say natural theology leads to

    it could lead to idolatry, where humans project their own ideas of God onto creation, rather than submitting to the God revealed in Jesus. God can therefore only be known through His own self-disclosure