the defendant, a French woman, was ordered to leave the UK. the D went to Ireland, where the Irishpolicedeported her and took her back to the UK. The defendant was taken to the UK against her will even with all of her attempts to stay in Ireland. the defendant was arrested for being Alien (she was an illegalimmigrant), and found guilty and it didn’tmatter that the Irishpolicebrought the defendant back against her will.
What year did r v larsonneur happen?
When did r v pittwood occur?
What happened during the case of r v pittwood?
A railway crossing keeperomitted to shut the gates so that a person crossing the line was struck and killed by a train. The keeper was guilty of manslaughter by virtue of contractual duty because of his failure to close the gate.
when did r v gibbins and proctor occur?
What happened during r v gibbins and proctor?
thechild’s father and his mistress failed to feed their child so they died of starvation. They had a duty to feedthem as a result of the relationship towards the child, so they failed to act. Their omission to act formes the actus reus of the offence and as such were found guilty.