Legal causation

Cards (9)

  • Legal causation is the principle that a defendant's actions must be the cause of the prohibited result in order to be held criminally liable.
  • When did r v kimsey occur?
  • what legal principal was used in r v kimsey?
  • What happened during the case of r v kimsey?
    The defendant was in a high speed car chase with a friend, and lost control. this caused the death of the friend.
  • What was the outcome of r v kimsey?
    While originally charged with causing death by dangerous driving, he was aquitted. This is because the court recognised that the defendant's actions were done out of a sincere belief of necessity as without his actions the livelihoods of lots of people in the village would've been impacted negatively
  • when did r v blaue occur?
  • what was the legal principal used in r v blaue?
    The thin skull rule
  • What happened during the case of r v blaue?
    The victim wasstabbed by the defendant and needed a blood transusion. However, they refused the blood due to moral reasons and died.
  • What was the outcome of r v blaue?
    The defendant was still found guilty due to the fact that the D took the V as he found her as someone who didnt want a blood transfusion.