Stacey : postmodern families

Cards (7)

  • what does Stacey argue?

    -greater freedom & choice has benefitted women
    -enabled them to free themselves from patriarchal oppression and shape their family arrangements to meet their needs
  • what did Stacey find?
    -women have been the main agents of change in the family
    > many women she interviewed had rejected the traditional housewife-mother role
    > they worked, returned to education as adults, improved job prospects, divorced, remarried
    -these women created new family types to better suit their needs (divorce extended family)
  • divorce extended family
    -many women make & maintain social connections with people they met through relationships that have now ended
    > keeping in touch with ex-in-laws
    > members usually female
  • Pam Gamma - divorce extended family
    -Pam created a divorce extended family
    -she married young and then divorced & cohabited for several years before remarrying
    -her second husband was also married before
    -she formed a divorce
    -extended family with Shirley, the woman cohabiting with her first husband
    -helped each other financially & domestically
  • what does the case of Pam Gamma illustrate

    -postmodern families are diverse
    -their shape depends on the active choices people make about how they want to live their lives
  • what does David Morgan argue?

    -it's pointless trying to make large-scale generalisations about 'the family'
    -it isn't a simple thing like functionalists say it is
    -family is simply whatever arrangements those involved choose to call their family
  • what does David Morgan say sociologists should focus their attention on?

    -how people create their own diverse family lives & practices
    -can explore this by means of life course analysis